Thursday 18 February 2021

3 Ways to Debug Tech’s Diversity Gap in 2021

Silicon Valley is struggling with a bit of an image problem. That image? Straight, white, male.

In 2018, women filled only 25% of all computing-related occupations — which is about the same percentage that we saw in the 1960s. For African-American and Hispanic populations, the representation in these fields is far below the national distribution.

And at the intersection of race and gender, the state of women in tech is even bleaker: 65% of women in computing occupations are white, 19% are Asian/Pacific Islander, only 7% are African American, and 7% are Latina.

In 2021, computer programmers are meritocratic winners who wield considerable power in society. Engineers at Facebook — or more precisely, the algorithms they program — decide what news we see and what ads we get served.

(If you think that ads aren’t linked to economic opportunity, think again.)

Many formerly analog tasks — hailing a taxi, dimming the lights — now rely on code that only programmers can hope to understand fully. If women and minorities are left out of coding jobs now, that omission could have ramifications on the structure of our society for years to come.

It’s clear by now that social and environmental forces contribute to the differences in earning potential for women and minorities, and that these forces also hold the same people back from careers in STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math)

What needs to be done? Let’s take a look at how to debug the diversity gap.

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1. Give Every Student Access to Computer Science Classes

Early exposure to skills is crucial for securing a job in one of the best-paid and fastest-growing industries around. Yet, the majority of U.S. high schools are not teaching computer science classes. 

Some schools in the U.S. are exposing young people to the basics of programming, which serves to improve their familiarity and comfort with these subjects. But to open the doors of the tech meritocracy to the underprivileged, coding needs to be taught in public schools as early as possible — even in elementary school.

As you’d expect, there are a lot of barriers to this.

Because the U.S. public education system depends heavily on local control, it’s impossible to design and implement sweeping changes to curricula in one fell swoop. National standards like Common Core and testing-focused federal programs like No Child Left Behind often leave little room for enrichment classes or electives.

In some cases, nonprofits and businesses are stepping in to fill the gap. For instance, Google pledged $25 million to support programs that help Black and Latino students access computer science education. But a charity initiative here or there isn’t likely to create broad-based change.

2. Expand the Scope of Nonprofits

We’ve certainly been entering the Era of the Nonprofit for the past few years, and nonprofits that aim to teach coding to women and people of color abound. A few examples: 

Lack of access to training isn’t the only issue these groups face. For instance, in the case of underprivileged youth, a major challenge is the limited access some of these underrepresented students have to computers.

But the hurdles extend beyond the physical, especially when it comes to connecting students with jobs that utilize their training. Limitations experienced in this realm — such as the absence of a professional network or an unfriendly corporate culture — can prevent any would-be software engineer or developer from thriving. Successful nonprofit coding programs will be those that succeed in the final stretch: job placement, hiring, and support during the transition.

3. Retain Diverse Talent

It’s not just a lack of candidates in the pipeline that’s keeping representation low; it’s also a lack of retention. Support needs to continue after coders become established in their careers. At 10 to 20 years into their tech careers,  56% of women leave the field — at a quit-rate double that of men.

Why are they leaving? 

One small study found that the most common reasons women leave tech jobs are a lack of opportunity for career growth, poor management, and the gender pay gap. Older research cites poor workplaces including few opportunities for development and training, little support for outside-of-work responsibilities, and undermining bosses.

A 2019 study published in Nature found that nearly half of women in science leave after having their first child, compared to 23% of men. Clearly, something needs to be done to better support parents in STEM fields, particularly working mothers.

There are a number of ways to support and retain female and minority coders, starting with simply calling out their accomplishments and good ideas. Nonprofits that encourage professional networking, like Women Who Code, can certainly help women find their tribe in the industry. Still, in the end, it will be up to tech companies themselves to enact policies to retain female talent.

The Reality of the Diversity Gap

The tech industry is booming, which, in theory, should mean more demand for programming labor. But with barriers to intercontinental communication quickly vanishing, more and more programming and web-design jobs based in the U.S. are being outsourced to lower-paid workers in other countries. 

In fact, computer programming jobs are projected to decrease by 9% over the next eight years in the U.S., even as the computer technology industry is expected to grow by 11%.

Whether computer programming serves to be an equalizer or perpetuator of inequality in the U.S. may depend on how fast minority groups can participate and get a “piece of the pie,” so to speak, before the available opportunities shrink.

The bad news is that it’s looking like underrepresented groups will still have to try twice as hard for a shot at the same jobs, which is truly unfair.

There is good news too. 

People are more aware than ever that the diversity gap in tech (and beyond) is a real problem. Ultimately, the U.S. education system will adapt, nonprofits will grow, and more female and minority students will find — and stay in — careers in computing-related tasks.

After all, diverse teams are the only way companies will keep up with the changing demands of a world where computers are not going away.

The post 3 Ways to Debug Tech’s Diversity Gap in 2021 appeared first on Website Guides, Tips & Knowledge.


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